Remarkable development of babies through pregnancy and what to eat at each stage - Health Care for You Now - Health Care Magazine

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Remarkable development of babies through pregnancy and what to eat at each stage

At each period of pregnancy, babies need additional nutrients for the development of organs such as eyes, ears, heart, etc. so that they can grow healthily. Therefore, mothers should pay attention to what they eat to get keep both healthy. Below are babies’ development through eight stages of pregnancy and what are recommended to eat at every period.

1. 5 weeks - time for the growth of liver and kidney

Until the fifth weeks of pregnancy, babies are only about 6mm long and they look like baby tadpoles. However, inside their bodies, kidneys and livers begin to develop. Hearts also start their first beats. Therefore, the nutritional supplement is very vital.

The best nutrition for kidney: Protein
Food sources: meat, eggs, milk and beans.

Moreover, at this stage, doctors often recommend that mothers should take folic acid. This nutritional supplement is very important for the development of the fetus. You can also take in more food rich in folic such as dark green vegetables, bread, whole grains and legumes.

2. 7 weeks, the stage of brain development

Babies begin to develop fingers and toes. Babies may have eyelids. Breathing tube extending from the throat to the branches of the lungs is developing, and "tail” disappears. At this stage, embryo is about 13mm long and it looks like a pea.  We can notice that two hemispheres develop in the most significant way at that time.

The best nutrition for the brain: DHA

Food sources: walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, fish and fish oil.

3. 9 weeks – the stage of muscles development

Babies also have a number of other developments such as the arms and legs, muscles and genitalia. Legs are long enough to fold in front of belly. The shape of the babies' spinal can be observed clearly through translucent skin. At this stage, babies are from 22 to 25mm tall.

The best nutrition for muscles: Magnesium
Food sources: nuts, whole grains

4. 16  weeks - the stage of bone growth

At this time, babies’ bones are shifting from cartilage in to skeleton. Umbilical cord connecting babies’ life through placenta is developing very quickly.

At 16th week of pregnancy, babies weigh about 140g and they may have 13cm long from top to bottom. Baby can spin the joints and sweat glands begin to grow.

The best nutrition for bone: Calcium
Food sources: Fish, eggs, milk

5. 19 weeks – the stage of bone development (continue)

Until the 19th week of gestation, babies are about 65mm tall. They look much like human bodies. Babies’ height does not increase significantly, but parts of bodies grow very quickly. At this stage, fingers and toes are completely separate. Therefore, mother will easily hear fetal heartbeats if she would like.

The best nutrition for bone: Calcium
Food sources: Fish, eggs, milk

6. 20 weeks - the period of visual development 

Until this time, babies' weight is around 255 grams. Babies' brain starts to separate specific areas for taste, auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory development. Retina of babies can also react to outside light at this stage.

The best nutrition for vision: Vitamin A
Food sources: animal internal organs, egg yolks, butter, carrots

7. 31 weeks - the period of limb development

The entire body, especially limbs grow very strongly, at this stage. Babies' weight can reach around 2kg.

Best Nutrition: Vitamin D
Food sources: Fish, eggs

8. 38 weeks – the stage of total  development

At this time, babies can weigh about 3,2kg and get 52cm long. Basically, they fully develop and they are able to live independently outside their mothers. Moreover, at the same time, babies' head turn to mothers' pelvis in preparation for the journey to get out of mothers’ belly.

Last but not least, during pregnancy, mothers need more iron since their cardiac output increases. Therefore, mothers should add more food rich in iron into their daily diet. Red meat is one of the best sources of iron for pregnant women. Poultry, especially also contains iron. Also, we can find iron in food such as legumes, soy products, spinach, prune, raisins and cereals.

In short, mothers should maintain a healthy diet, which offer enough nutrients for both babies and mothers’ bodies so that they can get enough strength and energy for giving birth.

Remarkable development of babies through pregnancy and what to eat at each stage Reviewed by Unknown on 4/27/2015 Rating: 5 At each period of pregnancy , babies need additional nutrients for the development of organs such as eyes, ears, heart, etc. so that th...

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